Wednesday 23 January 2019

It's Warfare And Not a Joke (Part 2)

Hello everyone,

Yesterday, I explained how the children of God are in warfare and not something to joke about. You could wonder how war has to do with our way of life, but one thing we must understand is that there are different things in life that influences our decisions and choices. It could be the weather, the media, one on one conversation with a person, or even something you overheard. It could be flowers or even grass, it could be anything. The reason why this is so is that our five senses are very active when we are awake, and they store things even without us letting them in accordance with their abilities. The only difference is that we tend to recall things that we chose to focus on, but that doesn’t stop the truth that things according to the ability of our senses are stored. And guess who runs the world? The devil! Why the devil?

Even though Jesus took all powers from the devil, he still goes about making suggestions to people and many fall for his trap, thus empowering him, but not like that of the first Adam. This is why the things around us are corrupt. Jesus has saved the entire world, but it is not everyone who knows they have been set free, and this is the responsibility of the children of God to go into all the world and educate them about their being free. But the devil knows that if everyone knows they are free, he would not have any control over the earth, as he uses people to gain control, so he attacks the children of God or church causing disunity, and making them lose focus on what Jesus called them to do, and this is what I am here to warn us against.

Jesus never tolerated any act of the devil, as he through violence sent them packing from various places and from the lives of people. Likewise, we who are children of God shouldn’t give room at all for the devil. We are to cast him out in the Name of Jesus Christ.

God has given us Grace as a result of the finished work of Christ through His death, burial, and resurrection, which we receive through faith in Jesus Christ. Anything that stands in opposition to the Grace we have received should be ignored by casting out the devil, as he through his suggestions has used things or people close to us to change our stand on the truth which God has given us, and the duty He gave us to do.

If we see a lingering health issue in our life, we are to violently rebuke the devil by casting out whatever ailment it may be, then we establish the finished work of Christ in place of what we cast out. We are to remain focused by reminding ourselves that we were made healed by the stripes that fell on Jesus’ back. This is important because if we don’t keep our mind fix on the truth of the Word, the devil comes again by telling you that you are not healed. But as I said, when your mind and heart is fixed on Jesus and His finished works over your life, the devil’s plans are useless.

Consistent praises and worship to God, speaking in tongues, Holy Communion, the meditation on the Word of day and night, and being led by the Holy Spirit are ways of keeping your heart and mind fixed on Jesus. All these affect your mindset positively, as you get transformed by manifesting the fullness of Christ.

The devil doesn’t have any powers, we, on the other hand, have all the power and authority at our disposal. This is why we are to guard our hearts and mind, for out of it flows the issues of our life. Thus, only the Word of God should dwell in our heart and mind, we see the Holy Spirit leading us in our walk of victory in every situation. This is not a child’s play, it’s warfare.

May the LORD bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you. May the LORD be gracious to you and lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. AMEN.

Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!
Log on next time.

For prayers and comments, send to the comment section below.



Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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