Happy Sunday everyone,
I enjoy watching superhero cartoons, watching how they save people from danger and sometimes even save the world. Sometimes, I watch them so much that I start behaving like them even at my age. With all these, we know they are all figments of people’s imagination. But do you know there are true superheroes living among us? Let’s find out.
In life, we often have goals and ambition, what to study in school, what grade to aim at, where we want to work, also how many figures we want to see roll into our bank account every month, the type of house, car, and even the life we want to live? All these are what man often aim at, but those who have actually climbed the ladder don’t feel satisfied, especially with their environment, so some decide to give back to the society to make the world a better place. But even with this, there is still a form of lack of satisfaction, that satisfaction which some call, the attainment of inner peace. There is this hole in their heart to do something, but guess what? Until you become a superhero and know what super powers you have hidden inside of you, you will still have that lack of satisfaction.

In order to join the super league to find out your super strength, you need to meet with the Great One who would show you who you are and your abilities, but in order to know more, you must meditate upon the Great Words of the Great One which explains who you are and what your powers are exactly. The more you meditate, the more you bring out your super abilities.
Everyone has a purpose here on earth which the Great One-God has put in our heart. We are empowered by the Great One who then lives in us as the Holy Spirit, who then enables us to identify our superpowers, which are the talents and gifts He placed in us. These are what we are to use to transform the world. Our talent was not to make money for ourselves but to save the lives of the lost, transform their world and bring them into the super league to identify their mission and then save other lives. Do you think that is all we were created to do? Nope.
There are other things aside saving people’s lives that we are meant to do. We were all supposed to find out our strengths here on earth, save those who don’t know this to prepare for the great battle ahead, which is our life after this earth. What do think Jesus meant when He said, He has gone to prepare a place for us, [ref.: John 14:3]. The scriptures give a hint of what we would be doing as it says, we would judge angels, [ref.: 1 Corinthians 6:3]. There are great things full of responsibilities that we are to handle, our training ground is here on earth to prepare us for the great adventure with the Great One. It is a dawning of a new era, get ready because you are the TRUE SUPERHERO.
May the LORD bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you. May the LORD be gracious to you and lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. AMEN.
Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!
Log on next time.
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Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)
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