Monday 18 September 2017

Why Remain a Slave When You're Free? (Part 1)

Happy new week everyone,

We’ve often heard several times when a church leader calls the congregation, most likely after a heartfelt message, to those who want to accept Jesus as Lord to come out. When some come out, you hear the church leader asking them to repeat after him with words like, “Lord Jesus, I acknowledge I’m a sinner…”, and the rest of it. Well, do you know that for any person who is alive today to call himself a sinner is absolutely wrong? I’m not referring to only those who are in Christ, but the entire world! Surprising right? I’ll tell you why this is wrong.

Now, if the person who came to accept Jesus had said, “Lord Jesus, I acknowledge I have been living in sin…” this would have been different. Why am I saying this? I am saying this because there are no sinners on earth anymore, only those living in sin, there is a difference. To be a sinner implies that sin is the life of the person, while to live in sin implies that you chose to live in sin with sin not necessarily being your life. And many of us would say, “nope, you are wrong” and I’ll say, “you haven’t been reading the scriptures properly”, let me explain why this is so.

The first question we need to ask ourselves is this, “who did Jesus die for?” I’ll answer that, Jesus died for the whole world and not for “Christians” [ref. John 3:16]. Nobody was in Christ when Jesus resurrected, but the scripture says in 2 Corinthians 5:21, “For [God] made [Jesus] who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” When did this happen, before we accepted Jesus as Lord or when He resurrected? Of course, it was as He resurrected because it was His objective. Jesus took every sin on earth and placed it upon Himself in exchange for His righteousness which He gave to every man on earth. Now, you must understand that sin is a curse and not the action as I said before in a blog I wrote, the actions are just results of a sinful life. Jesus took this curse and gave us His life. Now, if you are saying there are sinners on earth, are you saying Jesus left out some sins, maybe they were so many He couldn’t find them?

Jesus shed His blood once and for all [ref. Hebrews 9:12; 10:10], then why do we still find people living a sinful life even after the resurrection of Christ? The answer is simple, they are ignorant and do not know they have been saved. The Bible talks of Good News, Good News here means that you tell people they have been saved from the bondage of sin and then activate the new life in Christ by confessing with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead then you would be saved [ref. Romans 10:9]! Once upon a time, no one knew they were saved from sin, it was the first 120 people in Acts 2, who knew first. Salvation came after the resurrection and not before.

The entire world was tagged sinners before the resurrection of Jesus because they were under the curse. Jesus was sin for us, we no longer had sin on us because Jesus took the curse, the only reason why a person would still live in sin is due to ignorance. This is what Jesus called everyone who has activated their new life to go into all the world to tell people to activate their new life because they have been saved, also known as the great commission!

Again, I am not saying those who haven’t believed and confessed Jesus as Lord are automatically born again and saved, what I am saying is that sin has been taken away from every man, they just need to activate it to be saved. What we have is as a person who has been a slave all his life with chains around his neck, then new management came in and set everyone free, but the slaves hadn’t heard the news, what do you think they would still do? They would still work as slaves even when they have been set free.

It is the job of those who are born again to tell everyone to activate their freedom in Christ. Even those who have been saved still grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus [ref. 2 Peter 3:18]. The scriptures say that my people perish for lack of knowledge [Hosea 4:6]. Remember, Jesus came to save the whole world which He has done, it is now left to us to activate it.

There is a lot more to discuss on this topic, which I’ll continue in tomorrow’s blog.

May the LORD bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you. May the LORD be gracious to you and lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. AMEN.
Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!

Log on next time.

For prayers and comment send through my Google Plus account.


Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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