Friday 15 September 2017

Faith, Optimism and Understanding The Times

Hello, everyone, weekend is here again,

There is something I have observed in the way some born again people behave and I call it a twist of faith. Hmmmn… I’ll try to explain it in the best way I can for proper understanding. Many times, when some who are born again maybe want to get a house but have no money, they then start claiming a house that they want. Now, this is not where I am heading to, where I am heading is that they do not declare out of faith but out of desperation through optimism. This is not faith, rather it is optimism!

Optimism could be seen as a tendency to expect the best, or at least, a favourable outcome. This is not how those who are in Christ should live their lives. Again, those who live with optimism, do not do so with optimism alone, they are also desperate and this causes anxiety.

In many cases, you find those who could afford the house not claiming a house because they can afford the house. So what has been wrong? The answer is they have a wrong understanding on what faith is.

As persons in Christ, we must understand what and why we were brought here on earth to do. In the prayer Apostle Paul made to the Ephesians which applies to every person in Christ, he prayed that we may receive the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of God, then he continued in verse 18 of Ephesians 1, “…having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints…” ESV. It is important for every person in Christ to know why they were born on earth, everybody has a purpose which God has called us to do. It is by this we are then enlightened through the Holy Spirit as He guides us through word of God which spells out who we are and what God has done for us through Jesus Christ.

Now, as we keep understanding our calling here on earth, it is important that we understand that everything that pertains to our calling has been provided for us long before we were born, these things have been made available by the grace of God, it is then up to us to know what these things are that we then claim or take them through faith in Jesus, this is where faith comes in!

The reason why this is important is that many of us claim what isn’t ours even as we understand that all things are ours, but anything that God has provided for us, has a purpose in our lives, and we call them at the right time. A builder of a house doesn’t put the roof first when he is constructing the house, he understands what to put and when to put them, and everything has a purpose and a timing.

So, we must know if a thing has to do with our calling and if it is the right time to claim them, this is faith because money isn’t the determining factor only understanding the times and seasons, and this is how Jesus lived when He was here on earth, that is you would notice how He never got anything wrong.

Faith isn’t optimism because optimism is an act of staying positive without necessarily knowing what is coming exactly, but faith, on the other hand, is that which you know what is even when people do not see it which you have claimed as yours.

Understand your calling, and you won’t claim things wrongly in order to prevent you from getting frustrated when nothing happens.

May the LORD bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you. May the LORD be gracious to you and lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. AMEN.
Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!

Log on next time.

For prayers and comment send through my Google Plus account.


Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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