Tuesday 3 November 2020

Why Is Giving The New Currency?

Hello everyone,

Yesterday, I introduced the importance of giving in love and explained how this is true currency designed by God and not money as we know it. Today I intend to go much deeper into the principle of giving in love and how it affects us.

I wrote yesterday, explaining how the true currency governing the earth is the principle of giving. Some call it the principle of sowing and reaping, but if you come from the angle of sowing and reaping, you could allow your self-centred nature take over so it would be better to understand it as the principle of giving in love.

When you are in Christ you are no longer under the system of scarcity, but the system of unlimited super abundance, which I explained is in Christ. Now, the Bible says in 1 John 4:17 that as Christ is so are you. As you are in Christ, you function from Christ's stand point and not your stand point, what do I mean? What I mean is that those in Christ are to physically manifest who Christ is here on earth with His super abundance. Once you have this at the back of your mind you would be able to give to those in need in faith and through love. A regular thinking man would feel that is an act of folly but the man would only say that because he believes you won’t have another, and that is the mind-set of scarcity.

For every action you take in giving, you are activating the principles of giving because as you gave to someone in need, someone would also give to you, and guess what? It would be more than what you gave out. This principle is simple, but yet hard to believe by many because of the stronghold of the system of scarcity. The Bible says, the just or righteous shall live by faith, so as you trust and rely on Jesus who has said He will never leave you nor forsake you, why won’t He allow someone locate you in your time of need.

And remember, we serve a God of the more than enough, you could see that in the turning of water into wine, the feeding of the five and four thousand, the net breaking fishing miracle of Peter when Jesus found him, the fishing miracle at Jesus’ resurrection and much more [ref. John 2:1; Matthew 14:13; 15:32; Luke 5:1; John 21:1]. Jesus gave us a hint that with Him you can never lack, so you are to give to those who are in need and when you do this, you strengthen their faith in God and with time they start to do likewise, it’s just a principle God designed by allowing the wealth go round and not keeping it to yourself by being self-centred.

Giving in many ways could be likened to an investment if you want to look at it from the business point of view, however, your intention should not be to make an increase for your selfish gain but to clear the world of lack, showing them God’s eternal provision. Now how is giving an investment?

In simple terms giving is seen as an investment, or a very, very powerful type of investment and I’ll give a very simple, layman analogy. If you have a bag of rice for instance, that looks nice, right? It could take you months to finish it, that is if you’re alone, but when you give out of it to those in need in love, the rice would finish much faster, but guess what? You have successfully invested in those people which God has taken note of, and still in a layman man way of illustrating, when those whom you helped then have plenty and want to give, who do you think would come to their mind first? You! This is because you came to their aid when they were in need. And if you helped ten people, imagine how ten people then give into your bosom just as Jesus said in Luke 6:38. Now you see why giving is good? Even if the ten guys are self-centred, God would send others to bless you, simply because the Bible says in Proverbs 28:27, “He who gives to the poor will not lack…” and Proverbs 19:17 also says, “He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD. And He [God] will pay back what he has given.”

The poor here doesn’t only mean those who are on the road begging, but it also those in need! So since money originated from the fallen nature of man, and giving in love is the true way God wants us to do things, is money a bad thing? To answer this question, log on tomorrow as I address this question.

May the LORD bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you. May the LORD be gracious to you and lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. AMEN.
Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!

Log on next time.

For prayers and comment send them to the comment section below.



Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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