Monday 9 November 2020

How To Plant Your Seed (Part 1)

Happy new week everyone,

For some days, my write-up has been on finance, money and the original establishment of the financial principles laid here on earth and how we can tap into it. The truth is everything laid down by God looks so easy and simple, but it isn’t something someone would just pick up all of a sudden because of what he met here on earth as the norm, the question now is how can I begin my journey to the original principles laid here on earth and how to live that life. This is what I would address today.

The truth of all things by God is that it is so simple and has always been so simple that we have been the ones making things hard for ourselves. As one who intends to begin to live the financial life originally planned by God, the first thing to look at is what’s in your hand. What do I mean by that? Everybody, so far you are a human, have been given something unique, it comes as a gift or talent or skill that you were born with, this is a seed which God has given to you which would satisfy you for the rest of your life, many have discovered this, many haven’t. To those who have discovered theirs, some would have started using these abilities given to you by God but haven’t seen anything remarkable to support their life, the question here is what did you do exactly when you discovered your ability?

As I said earlier, your ability given to you by God is a seed the moment you discover it, and what do you do with seeds, you plant, water and nurture it and watch it grow, actually it is God who makes it grow. So, what is the planting? First of all, you need to know where to plant because there are several seeds needing a particular type of soil and terrain, so, what type of seed are you holding this would determine where to plant it and the terrain. All these are metaphorically spoken, now I would explain it as it is.

Where many have always gotten things wrong is determining where to plant their seed by themselves, take singing, for instance, the moment you discover this gift of singing which God has given you, the first thing to come to your mind is not to start thinking how you could start looking for where to sing or looking for producers or doing anything. The first thing to do is to meet the One who gave you that gift! He is the only One who knows why He gave you the gift and how to make use of it in achieving the right purpose. No matter who you are, God listens, but there is an unlimited advantage when you have Him living inside of you as your life so that when you speak He directs you, which is why you need to accept Jesus into your life because He is the only Way to God.

After receiving Jesus into your life with the Holy Spirit living inside of you which is the Spirit of God/Jesus, you can ask Him to tell you the reason why He gave you the gift of singing. He alone would tell you what to do. Now, planting your gift is to declare the word of God for your life over the gift and then sowing it where God tells you to go and it would be into the lives of exact people God has sent you to. Watering it is to thank God for the success of actions, all these are done by faith, and faith comes by hearing the word and the ability to hear comes from God, so you need to be in tuned with God every second of your life because there are things He would tell you to do that seems unbelievable but the level of dedication you’ve given in meditation on His word.

Your gift is a seed that has the life of God inside of it and when you follow what the Holy Spirit tells you exactly, not trying to analyse it with your human mind, you plant and speak the word of life, which is the word of God over the situation. Now the word of life spoken is the word of faith, the end result, of which you now start thanking God for it, then God Himself gives the increase. He is the one who takes us places beyond our wildest imagination all in achieving His perfect will for our life.

The principles of the earth in having financial success are all hidden in following the Holy Spirit as you walk with Him using your gift. You can’t be broke where God is, because you are a reflection of Him and His wealth cannot be fathomed. He is your consultant, your manager, He is the one who does all the hard work; all you do is to walk in victory. No matter the challenge that may come your way, the more you stick with Him the smaller your challenges become. This is the gospel truth and it would set you free.

May the LORD bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you. May the LORD be gracious to you and lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. AMEN.
Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!

Log on next time.

For prayers and comment send them to the comment section below.



Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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