Thursday 16 December 2021

Don't Twist God’s Hand

Hi everyone,

When we run the race of life, we sometimes meet challenges in front of us. We run to God for His direction and leading. But when we decide to listen to God as He leads us, we sometimes feel what He says do not align with our logic, then again, we won't want to live our lives outside His leading. So, in order for it to be a "win win" in our myopic human reason, when compared to that of God, we then twist the hand of God, and this is always dangerous to do.

Let's look at Genesis 15. In this chapter, we understand that God met with Abram (that's before God changed his name to Abraham), and had a covenant with him. But before the covenant, Abram had told God that he doesn’t have any biological heir of his own, and we know that one of the reasons was Sarai (before her name was changed to Sarah) was barren. God on the other hand said Abram would have his biological heir. So, this would imply that Sarai would have a child for Abram. And verse 6 says Abram believed, and it was counted to him as righteousness. Wow, this is deep.

For God to count an act as righteousness back in the days before the coming of the Messiah—Jesus, that would really mean a lot. But let's look at Genesis 16.

In Genesis 16, Sarai said to Abram that God had restrained her from having children of her own. So, she gave her maidservant to Abram to lay with her, and maybe she would have a child. And you know whatever the slave owned belonged to Sarai. And Abram consented.

Wait, wait. Hold on a minute. When Sarai have the maidservant to Abram was after the covenant God had with Abram, whether it was immediately, or years after, the main thing was that it happened after God had a covenant with Abram, where God told Abram that he would have a biological heir of his own. And remember Abram believed. So, why didn't he tell Sarai what God said, or maybe remind her if he had told her before?

So, what I believe is that Abram twisted the hand of God. And here's why I'm saying so. Abram believed what God told him, that he would have a biological child of his own, but God didn't categorically state Sarai as the woman who would carry the child. So, it was easy for Abram to assume for God by thinking, since Sarai is barren, maybe God wants the heir to come from her maidservant, after all, whatever the maidservant owns is automatically Sarai's. But guess what? Abram was wrong.

The maidservant had a child from Abram, but wasn't the one God intended to carry the biological heir for Abram!

Sadly, Abram's mistake is always on the news everyday, as the eventual biological heir of Abraham [from Sarah], and child of the maidservant are not at peace till today.

True, what God asks us to do could seem illogical, but the person who asked you to do so isn't ignorant of your future. He knows your end even before you were born. All we need to do is to trust and obey Him, even when things sounds illogical. Of course, the word of God exposes falsehood, just to clear up any form of doubt, and to establish an assurance from God's word.

God cannot be mocked, let us not forget that. Let us also remember that even if we have any form of doubt, He is the one who would strengthen us in every way to carry out His mission.

Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!


Log on next time.


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Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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