Wednesday 29 December 2021

Do Not Operate Outside Your Original Design

It's a few days to the end of the year 2021, and as we do that, many of us start to reflect how the year went for us, and how we can do better in the coming year. It is alright and normal to ensure you perform better in the coming year by achieving your goals. But looking at things from the general perspective, what goals are you supposed to really achieve?

Several times, many of us place some selfish ambition as our goal or something impossible, not designed by God for us in the first place. What do I mean by that?

We all have cells in our bodies, we know them as cells, but as they are all cells, they are all unique within the body. Everyone of them have a position they maintain and have a specific purpose within the body. For instance, the cells of the stomach cannot wish to be the cell of the lungs. Even if that were possible, any cell found where it wasn't designated could cause a negative reaction to the body.

In the same vein, you have a particular purpose and goal given to you by God. It isn't something you create yourself or something you determine yourself. Ephesians 2:10 speaks of us being God's workmanship; His masterpiece that He has predestined, which are in line with His plan and purpose for our lives.

What all these imply is that you need to know the plan and purpose of God for your life, especially for the coming year 2022.

There is nothing as frustrating as getting lost. But it gets annoying when I see a person has gotten the right directions, but insists on his or hers and always end up lost.

So, how do you know the plan and purpose of God for your life?

A simple prayer to God, asking Him to reveal to you His plans for you. Meditate on His word as revelations could come from there. After that, keep giving thanks to God in faith for answering you. You should be alert, as God reveals His plans in ways you can understand, but only when you're alert would you see the it manifest.

Be rest assured God has answered you. If you feel you haven’t seen the plan or aren't sure, ask Him to make it clear for you to identify, because you won't want to do things outside His will. And when God wants to make you see a thing, He really knows how to make it clear.

The most important thing is that when you know God's plan and purpose for you in the new year 2022, ensure you follow it. Study the Word of God regularly, listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit as it always abide with the Word of God, and it glorifies God always.

Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!


Log on next time.


For prayers and comments, send to the comment section below.







Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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