Saturday 28 April 2018

Expressing His Love To The World (Part 1)

Happy Weekend everyone,

When you go through the gospels, you’ll find a time when the disciples of Jesus saw Jesus praying and when He was done, they asked Him to teach them how to pray which He did, and this was where we got the popular Lord’s prayer. Although, some lines of the Lord’s Prayer given then was cannot be used since Jesus has been glorified, lines such as, “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” This is because when Jesus died, God forgave our debts forever, because all our debts were placed on Jesus, what we do is to give thanks to God for forgiving our debts. Well, that’s not where I’m heading anyways, where I’m driving at which has to do with today’s write-up is the what Jesus said in the Lord’s Prayer, which is, “Your [God’s] will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, this is also in line with what Apostle John wrote in 1 John 4:17 which was that as Christ is, so are the Sons of God here on earth. Where am I going through with this?

Romans 8:19 says, “For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God’s sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship].” AMP. The life the Sons of God have received if so good that they were given the great commission by Jesus to go into all the world and spread the message of this good news, but in spreading this message, many have faced sufferings, all have been persecuted in different ways. With all these sufferings, they cannot be compared with the glory that has been conferred on us, (ref.: Romans 8:18).

Now, going back to the beginning of this write-up, Jesus said God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven, which implies that we are to express the God-life here on earth as we live here on earth. Apostle James in the Epistle of James wrote on what he called pure religion, which are things like visiting orphans and widows in their trouble and other things related to this, (ref.: James 1:27). In line with this, Jesus spoke on the importance of our positive, sincere and undefiled attitude as we relate to people, reflecting the love of Christ in all that we do to people, (ref. Matthew 25:31-46). But many people even outside of being a Son of God do this, so what exactly are we to do which stands out different from the regular visit to the orphanage, widows, clothing the naked and so on? Log on same time tomorrow to find out.

May the LORD bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you. May the LORD be gracious to you and lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. AMEN.

Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!

Log on next time.

For prayers and comments, send to the comment section below.



Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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