Monday 3 October 2022

It Has All Been Given?

It's normal to work first before you earn right? You put your backs into it before you can earn anything. But this isn't the way it's done in the life of any who is a new creation. Anyone who is born again is a new creation, a brand new person that never existed before. And when I mean a brand new person I don't mean a person who looks completely different. What I mean is a different creation, sort of like a person who was once a cat, then being transformed to a bear. But in this case, the bear is a creature that has never been since before.

Now, back to my focus. I said the way of a new creation in living life isn't like the way of the world by working before earning. The reason is that the system of the new creation is completely different.

So, what's the difference?

In the life of any new creation, they are being led by the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit defines the new creature into what he or she is meant to do in living the purpose God created the person for.

Now, what happens is that those who are born again is expected to live by the leading of the Holy Spirit. And as the person chooses to carry out any assignment, whatever is needed to complete the assignment is supernaturally provided either through people or any other means. It's just the James Bond story, the moment James Bond takes up the assignment, whatever he would need to complete the assignment would be provided as he is directed. A similar way is the same for those who are new creatures, they are always on a mission.

So, when certain basic things seem absent in the life of a new creature, he or she should ask the Lord what he or she is meant to do because the Lord will never leave them nor forsake them. He is always speaking to them, it is left to them hid His voice.

Everything a born again person would ever need in his or her life has already been provided. They only come in handy as they are needed. It is not a life of hustle, but a life belief, trust, faith and obedience.

Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!


Log on next time.


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Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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