Tuesday 30 November 2021

Sufficiency and All Sufficiency

Hi everyone,

We all have needs, and we all want these needs to be taken care of. When these needs are sorted out, we intend that what was provided is sufficient in meeting these needs. So, what is sufficiency?

Sufficiency is an adequate amount of something,  especially of something essential.

Now, sufficiency comes from a source, but as long as these sources are directly from man, it is limited. For instance, if three children are hungry, two children can sufficiently be taken care of, while the last one would ask for more, but the source is out. This is where limitation comes in when man tries to take care of his needs. But there is someone who says His sufficiency has no end. In other words, it isn't limited in anyway. This is where all sufficiency comes in.

God is the only one who is all sufficient. The sufficiency of the all sufficient God therefore is an adequate provision that can never be exhausted or run dry. He is the God who is more than enough to adequately handle all the needs of all His creatures without running short of supply.

Let me apply all these to our daily lives. When we put money in our bank, it is limited based on the fact that it can hit zero, as you keep on taking from it. But in the case of God, His wealth cannot be measured by human understanding, and as you take, there is no reduction. Even when you've taken, what is left appears as though you didn't take anything.

God Almighty is eternal. All that He is, has no beginning nor end, so are His attributes. As a result of the fall of man, man became limited in everything. And as Jesus who started a brand new life or beginning, started an era under the dispensation of the life of God Himself. In other words, all those who are born of God under Jesus have the God-life. And by having the God-life, we are given the all sufficiency of God as a gift through grace.

Living under the old dispensation of life, our health is limited, which is why sickness, diseases, and other related things pop up. But when we are born afresh, brand new, under our Lord Jesus Christ, we have a brand new life, which carries the Spirit of God. And with this the health of God becomes our health. The wealth of God becomes our wealth, the peace of God becomes our peace, and so on, because He loved us and gave us His life, and all that comes with it. It is a gift, it is not something we work for. If it we were so, no one would have been qualified enough to meet the standard of God. So, this is why it is a free gift from God.

So, the way to gain access to this life of Grace, is just by believing that we have it as we receive Christ Jesus as Lord of our life. And your reaction to Grace is through obedience and not hardwork. (I'll expand more on this point in my next write-up).

He is the all sufficient God, all we have to do is believe in Him, believe that He has done it, which He has already, and has given to us.

Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!


Log on next time.


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Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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