Wednesday 23 December 2020

The Obedience of Your Soul

Hi everyone,

We are to understand now that we are Spirit beings, we possess a soul, and live in a body. The Spirit is us and is the most important to God, which was changed to the Spirit of Jesus, which is why we are righteous in the eyes of God because we have the exact perfect Spirit of Jesus Christ, which is also the exact Spirit of God. The Spirit is what God changed through the blood of Jesus. Now, are our souls obeying the Spirit, and if not, what is the cause of the disobedience? This is my focus today.

When we were born, it was with the sinful spirit, it was easy to manifest the works of the flesh without being taught, and why was that? It was so because our soul obeyed our spirit then which manifested in our body. Now, we have a new Spirit, but our soul needs to know who the new boss is because we still have the residue of the old nature in us, but the truth is that inside of us we don’t like to go down the part of sin, but why do we still sin? The answer is simple—we are starving.

When we had the old spirit, we were feeding it by what how we fed our souls with through our five senses, and because our spirit was sinful, it was easy to do what was wrong. But now that we have the Spirit of Christ, our conscience pricks us when we follow the path of unrighteousness. We feel it is wrong, this is because we no longer have the old spirit, but we still do what is wrong, as I said because we are starving. What are we starving? We are starving the new Spirit.

Jesus said in John 3:16 that we would not perish but have eternal life when we believe in Him, this we did and received Grace, a brand new life which we didn’t work for, but was given because we decided to forego our old life for the new life in Christ. Now that we have the new life of Christ, we need to know what we have received. Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” It is only when we feed our soul with who we are that our soul understands who the new boss is and then submits to Him, and we then see the manifestation of the Spirit in our body.

Now, you would remember that when you received Jesus into your life, there was so much energy and excitement for Him, why was that? It was because you received a little food when you became born again, but why you dropped was because you failed to feed yourself. The Bible says in 2 Peter 3:18, “but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.” You need to feed yourself, and not just with anything, but with the word of God. Since you are born again, you have the Holy Spirit with and in you who is our Helper, Counsellor, Comforter, Strengthener, Intercessor, and Standby. He will guide you into all truth as you live (ref.: John 16:13), especially when you study the scriptures. It is by doing this that you don’t gratify the cravings of the flesh, rather you would start manifesting the fruit of the Spirit [love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control] (ref.: Galatians 5:22-23).

Even as you are growing in the fullness of Jesus in your soul and body (because your Spirit is already mature), you may still fall into sin, but this time you are growing away from physical sin because you are feeding your mind with the right food which is who you are now. So, no matter what happens, as long as you remain in Christ Jesus, you are Holy and righteous, unless you denounce Jesus with your mouth. What Jesus did for us through His blood, death, burial, and resurrection, is not something that even a year’s write-up can contain, but based on our focus today, I believe I’ve hit the mark.

May the LORD bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you. May the LORD be gracious to you and lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. AMEN.

Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!

Log on next time.

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Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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