Saturday 8 August 2020

How Do We Supplicate For The Saints?

Happy weekend everyone,

Today, I would look at how we supplicate for the saints of God. Now, by the word “saints”, Apostle Paul wasn’t referring to people who were no longer on this earth. By "saints" he meant every born again person. This isn’t new to many of you, but to clarify the air, I just had to say that, to be doubly sure everybody got it.

Now, when you say a prayer of supplication for people, it becomes intercession. However, for Apostle Paul, the word supplication was used, especially in the King James Version, what does this mean? It means we are all together in this. The scriptures make us understand that we are the body of Christ, thus we are all connected as one to Christ Jesus being the head, (ref.: Romans 12:4-5; 1 Corinthians 12:27). This then makes it clearer when Jesus appeared to Saul on the way to Damascus, where He said “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” (ref.: Acts 9:4). With this, how do we pray for other believers/Sons of God in Christ Jesus?

Yesterday, I made it clear that when we supplicate, we supplicate using the word of God, thus confessing to ourselves who God has made us become in Christ Jesus, especially in areas that trials. Likewise, when we supplicate in prayer for other saints, we supplicate as though we are doing it for ourselves, but we replace our name with other saints, those we know and those we don’t know. Therefore, confessing who the saints have become in Christ Jesus, thus, taking charge over the territories of the wicked one here on earth, as we understand that we are to see ourselves as God sees us.

We are not to say anything outside who God has made us, whether for ourselves or for other saints, because whoever is born of God has been transformed into the image of Christ, so why pray for the person as though the person isn’t transformed? That won’t depict who the saint is.

We are all meant to go through trials and persecution because we are swimming against the tide of the world, and we are meant to look out for each other (saint) because we are all in this together. We are to strengthen each other.

Speaking in tongues and praise, worship and thanksgiving are also ways of supplication as I explained yesterday, but this time it also applies to the other saints. Anything that would strengthen your confidence and trust in Him should be done.

In summary, the prayer of supplication is basically strengthening your fellow saints, but this time, in Spirit through prayers. And remember, we are not having a tea party, rather we are on a battlefield and must be on the alert both for ourselves and for others.


May the LORD bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you. May the LORD be gracious to you and lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. AMEN.


Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!


Log on next time.


For prayers and comments, send them to the comment section below.







Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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