Saturday 16 April 2022

It's Been CGI All The While

What really happened when Jesus died, or what was the purpose of His death, and how does that affect us?

When Jesus died, He went to hell. The reason why Jesus had to die was because the entire world was condemned by carrying a sinful nature due to the fall of the first Adam. And without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin, (ref.: Hebrews 9:22), and this had to be done by a human who was sinless.

Let me make it a clearer. The wrath of God had to be satisfied, because the entire world was sentenced to condemnation or death, the only way to escape this was for someone who was without the nature of sin to die on behalf of of entire world, in other words, the person was to take the place of the entire world as a sinner to be condemned to death, while the world in exchange would get the righteousness of the person, (ref.: 2 Corinthians 5:21).

Now, Jesus' resurrection was the ultimate sign that the sacrifice was accepted, and sin had lost its grip on the world because they have been made free because of Jesus' death.

So now, about CGI, what's this about?

CGI means Computer Generated Imagery which many movie makers make use of to perform stunts, but the background seen which appears so real when the movies are viewed, are actually fake in real life. So, what's does this have to do with my write-up?

The devil makes use of CGI, and it is so good at it, (it is used a the pronoun to indicate the worthlessness of the devil, not being worthy of he or she).

Jesus save the entire world from sin. Now, the moment anyone received Jesus as Lord, the person activates a brand new life without sin. Now, sin indicates death as the end result, and death itself is a package which has sickness, diseases, poverty, depression, pain, anything that isn't in or of Jesus. But despite being born of Christ, things like sickness sometimes pop up, or other related things that isn't of Jesus. The question you may ask is, "what's the point being born of Christ when you still see things that doesn't indicate a sin free life?" The point is that the devil has been deceiving you with CGI. It tells you that you are sick, whereas, in Christ you can't be sick. It tells you that you're poor or depressed, whereas your new born again Spirit can NEVER be poor or depressed. So, what was wrong all the while? It was the devil's deception all the while.

All the devil brings in any form is a lie, just as Jesus said in John 8 that the devil has been a liar from the the beginning, and when it speaks, it speaks lies which is its mother tongue.

Don't allow the devil to get to you because the moment it gets to you, it starts showing you CGI for one reason and one reason only which is to lie to you.

The way you can avoid the devil is simple, study and meditate on the word of God day and night. Ask for interpretation from the Lord God, as this is what the Holy Spirit does when we meditate on His word. The more you meditate on the word of God, the more you familiarise yourself with the way Jesus speaks, and you know who you are in Christ. With this, when the devil comes at you, you identify it's the devil through the discernment of the Spirit.

All the devil brings to those who are born again isn't true, it's just CGI!

Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!


Log on next time.


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Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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