Monday 29 January 2018

The Importance of Wisdom

Happy New Week everyone,

As I wrote in my last blog on how to identify wisdom, I said that wisdom is everywhere as we move along, but it is only the Spirit of Truth or the Spirit of Wisdom that would lead you to what wisdom is, and this is by receiving this Spirit into your life. Also, wisdom is better than rubies, and all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her. Today, I’ll explain why wisdom is actually and truly better than rubies, gold, riches, and why nothing can be compared with her. In other words, why is it better to choose wisdom over wealth?

Have you wondered why at your workplace some people seem to get promoted quickly, faster than others and in a genuine way or why some people just become billionaires all of a sudden in a genuine way? The reason why all these happen is because of Wisdom. I explained before that as God gave King Solomon wisdom and wealth above every man on earth, it didn’t just happen that money fell from the sky, or that he went to his wardrobe and money appeared, no, it was because of his great wisdom.

The words of King Solomon were treasure, words which everyone wanted to listen to you. The value of his words was so high that wise and great men all around the world came to listen to him. And because they knew his words had so much value that they brought gifts and treasures along for King Solomon. King Solomon’s words weren’t just like sweet music to the ears of the listeners, rather they were bringing about solutions to problems. A popular scenario is a time when two harlots both claimed to be the mother of a baby, and there was the need to know who the true mother was. King Solomon with his wisdom was able to find out who the true mother was. There was peace in the land just because of the Wisdom of Solomon. A type of this Wisdom is what smart men use today to invent great things.

Man has wisdom, however, his wisdom isn’t pure and as a result, there would be flaws in the long run. The wisdom of God is pure and sincere, full of righteousness. To have wisdom implies you have knowledge and understanding, it is then the right application of the knowledge and understanding that brings out wisdom.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and Wisdom, He knows the end from the beginning, thus knowing all things because He is God! He is the One who would dwell in you when you receive Jesus into your life, and all you have to do is trust, cling, rely on and believe in Him, because everything He says is true and righteous. But there are challenges to this that we all face which are: the challenge of fear, doubt, and unbelief to the Word of God, which in turn is to the Spirit of Truth which of course must and should align itself with the Word of God.

Many of us still judge with our five senses, but what we always fail to understand is that the Spirit of Jesus is accurate, because He knows the end from the beginning and He is the Spirit of Truth. But we judge based on human logic and then assume with the use probability. Just because an event happened a particular way, with a particular result, and then a similar event happens doesn’t necessarily imply it would have the same result. Humans assume, but God doesn’t.

As we believe in the Spirit of Truth, He directs our lives on what we are to do and how we are to live, because He knows that once we follow His directions, we would always break grounds in the end. But what is sad most times is that we fail to follow Wisdom because when the Spirit of Truth guides us, it seems to contradict the general logic of man and we would conclude that if we follow it, we would appear crazy in the eyes of others, and this is where doubt, fear and unbelief sets in.

It is important to know that the true Wisdom will never fail us as long as we follow everything she tells us. The Word of God is full of Wisdom, then asking God Christ to dwell in you is allowing the Spirit of Truth and Wisdom to dwell in you. And as you study and meditate the Word of God which is full of Wisdom, the Spirit of Truth then guides you, and as a result of constant meditation on the Word of God and being directed by the Spirit of Truth, when you see Wisdom on the streets, you then recognise her.

Remember, God understands that He must always take the glory, so why would He give you directions that would fail, just think about it. All you have to do is just believe, rely on, trust and cling to Him and see how you use Wisdom in your daily life and Solomon won’t even match up to your standard because the fullness of Wisdom dwells in you.

May the LORD bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you. May the LORD be gracious to you and lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. AMEN.

Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!

Log on next time.

For prayers and comments, send to the comment section below.



Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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