Monday 10 January 2022

The Response Of Mary

We've often read of the story of Mary when angel Gabriel brought the goodnews that she who was a virgin would bear Jesus. One thing in that story that struck me was her final response to the angel. She said in Luke 1:38, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.”

Angel Gabriel had appeared 6 months earlier to Zacharias the priest telling him his wife would conceive of his child that would be born. Zacharias doubted because it felt illogical by human understanding and theories. The points Zacharias most likely held were that his wife was barren, and to crown it up, she was advanced in age, meaning she had passed the child bearing stage of life.

Mary on the hand was surprised that she a virgin would conceive without a man, but she didn't doubt.

The first amazing thing Mary did was to say, "Behold the maidservant of the Lord!" This is a sign of submission which is in line Romans 12:1 which emphasises Sons and Daughters of God to become living sacrifices to the Lord. This is a sign of humility, and God can only use the humble.

The second amazing thing Mary did was her statement after the first one, which is, "Let it be to me ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD." Not her words, not her understanding, not her theories, but according to His word.

Mary most likely couldn't understand how a virgin could conceive, but rather than doubting or analysing the message from the angel of the Lord, she submitted herself because the message came from God Almighty.

The only thing we need to analyse is to know if messages or leading are from God, and not dissecting the message and using our human understanding to analyse the messages one after the other, because you would eventually open the door to doubt, unbelief, worry and fear.

God Almighty always bring evidences to prove whatever He sends to us are from Him. Whatever He sends ALWAYS glorify Him and Him alone, just as angel Gabriel told Mary that her cousin, Elizabeth was pregnant with a child, her cousin was the one who was called barren. God's messages or word comes with power and authority, like the signs when Jesus was baptised, and the signs when He was crucified, or the sign of His fire consuming the sacrifice of Elijah. Or signs as Peter and John who were once timid men now speaking with boldness that astounded the council in Acts 4:13, and they realised that they had been with Jesus. 

God's messages comes with evidences, and they are ALWAYS backed by His word, as they give Glory to Him and Him alone. What the devil asked Jesus to do in Matthew 4:5-6 wasn't giving Glory to God, but for Jesus taking pride in Himself which isn't giving Glory to God. These are the signs we are to look out for. And the moment you have tested the Spirit, that's by knowing where the message come from, and it says "from God", be as Mary by saying, "Be it unto me according to your word."

The reason why this is so important is that God's word in many ways cannot be comprehended with human intellect. So, since you've tested the Spirit, and you know it's from God, just receive it.

If the word says you're healed, your reply should be, "be it unto me according to your word", or any other thing God sends you, your reply should be "be it unto me according to your word". Our minds can be a huge hindrance from allowing the glory of God be made manifested in our lives.

Remember, it's what He said, and not what we say.

Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!


Log on next time.


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Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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