Saturday 22 January 2022

Commitment and Consistency

Blessings are awesome. I wrote about blessings and gratitude in my last two blogs, and how God has blessed us, and how we should always be grateful to Him in all circumstances. I also wrote about how we should bless the things God has given us in appreciation and complete rest on what He has given us. We are to use His words to bless everything around us because it keeps us in check on being focus on Christ alone, which is a form of meditation on the word of God and gratitude to God.

Today's write-up would be on His blessings but it has to do with God's blessings through revelation.

Everyone who has become born again has received the Spirit of God, the very same same of Christ Jesus, which in turn is the very same Spirit of God Himself. And this is why we have the mind of Christ, (ref.: 1 Corinthians 2:6).

The mind of Christ that we have received is in our spirit, but is released from time to time into our soul based on the plans of God for our lives, and it comes as revelation to us. As we meditate on the word of God, we could also receive a release of His plans within His mind to us through revelation.

Whatever we receive from God is by faith, which is why we are to walk by faith and not by sight, (ref.: 2 Corinthians 5:7).

So, where am I going in all these?

The blessings of God are to be utilised for God's purpose in our lives, and still by faith.

To utilise the blessings or revelation of God needs commitment. Why am I saying this? Many of us receive blessings from God, but feel we are to do nothing. Now, we shouldn't mix doing things as using our human understanding. What we are to do is to properly understand His will for the plan. John the Baptist understood the will of God for his life, so he was led by the Spirit to begin his ministry to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah —Jesus. Jesus was also led by the Spirit to do things He did, so we're His Apostles. This is important because the scripture says in Romans 8:14, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God." We must be led by God when we receive the revelation/blessings of the Lord. We shouldn't be so excited that we go ahead and use our human knowledge in carrying things out, rather we must be led by the Spirit. 

To be committed is to begin a thing, it also means you've made up your mind on where to go, and to go about it, it means to move. The major thing in this matter is that you MUST be led by the Holy Spirit of Jesus in whatever you do. This is the first phase in utilising the blessings and revelation received from the mind of Christ.

The second phase is consistency. To be consistent means continuity, progress. As we know, commitment means to start, to move, to establish. But consistency would ensure that your movement is continuous. It is that push that is needed, it is the drive that enables what was committed not to be a waste of time.

Now, if John the Baptist gave up along the way, it implies he was consistent to a point. If Jesus did nothing after His baptism, then He wasn't consistent, and we wouldn't be saved. But this is not the only part we should be mindful of. We should be mindful of the wiles of the devil.

The devil brings distractions and deceit. He sways one away from he or she was committed to do. One could receive a word from God to hold on to His word over a health issue that He has already healed him or her. As the person keeps on declaring the word of God over his or her health, reminding his or her body that he is healed, the manifestation has started taking place. The continuity is called consistency, and remember the word of the Lord is truth and life, living and active. But what does the devil do? He could come and say there is not sign of improvement or change, and if the person is not well equipped with the word of God, he or she may fall victim of the deceit of the devil.

To start and to stop, then start and stop again, over and over is a lack of consistency. The person may not change his or her mind in doing what the Lord God said, but to distracted due to the wiles of the devil through fear, worry, doubt and unbelief, consistency is lacked, and if nothing is done about it, commitment could end also.

A famous actor once said, "Without commitment, you'll never start. But more importantly, without consistency, you'll never finish." We are in a race. What gives the drive to be committed and consistent is the fact that it came from God, and God NEVER lies. He is TRUTH personified, and should never forget that.

Without commitment and consistency you can never get anything done, which includes the things of God.

Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!


Log on next time.


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Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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