Tuesday 2 June 2020

Did Jesus Really Die For Our Sins? (Part 2)

Hello everyone,

When I look at the world and all that the world is going through, it makes me wonder why the act of sin is still prevalent. But then again, I know what went wrong, and only when that is solved, the world would appear as if Jesus died for nothing.

Jesus resurrected in great power and authority, He sent His disciples to go into all the world to tell them that they have been freed from the bondage of sin, but before doing that, Jesus ensured that they were filled with His Spirit, thus, their old spirit had to die, and they would put on a brand new spirit which is the Spirit of Truth, which happened on the day of Pentecost. In other words, the disciples on the day of Pentecost were translated into a brand new life, (New Life: ref.: Romans 6:8-10; 2 Corinthians 5:17, 21; Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 4:4-6).

So, the disciples went around the world as they were led by the Holy Spirit, and as time passed they were handing over the baton to new disciples [when their time was up and were to return to Jesus]. The new disciples were to keep on saving people from the world of bondage. These disciples were to keep expanding the kingdom of Jesus, He wants everyone to be saved, even though some would refuse to leave the life of bondage. But there is meant to be a great sign of transformation done as evidence. But the evidence today isn’t so pronounced as it is meant to be after 2,000 that Jesus sent the disciples to save the world. So what went wrong?

Jesus said the harvest is plenty, but the labourers are few, (ref.: Matthew 9:35-38; Luke 10:2). But looking at the number of those who call themselves disciples or Christians as the world call them who are about two billion out of almost eight billion people, all they need to do is for each disciple to speak to three people who are in the world, and the job is done. If it were so simple, why hasn’t this been done? But what Jesus said is that among those who claim to be Christians, the true Christians or labourers are few!

The truth actually is that a lot of those who are meant to be disciples have been carried away by the ways of the world. In order to desperately win the world, the truth has been twisted to win them, which is a side of the distraction, the other side is that the true disciples are normally morally upright, but some forget that not all morally upright people are disciples. So, in enforcing morality, they created a religion which enforced law rather than the love which was what Jesus demonstrated. As a result of this, the true gospel [the love of Jesus/Grace towards Man], which Jesus demonstrated through His death, burial, and resurrection, where we received a brand new life or an exchanged life, just as 2 Corinthians 5:21 makes us understand that our life was exchanged with the life of Jesus. This is pure love.

What does this mean? It means all what Jesus asked the disciples to do was to spread His love all over the world. It is His love that saves and not rules or law. The only law God wants us to operate is the law of faith, which is to believe and receive all that God gave us as the solution to Man’s problem—Grace/Jesus.

The moment you try to add to love, it becomes something else. It is like adding something to pure water, the moment you add to pure water the water isn’t pure anymore.

In summary, a large part of the church has gone astray from the true purpose of their calling. And when the church gets it wrong, the world remains in trouble, and you see evil on the increase, sickness, diseases, pandemic, and more, which were placed on Jesus and was nailed to the cross. When the church is weak or has lost focus, they give the devil the freedom to deceive people and they keep falling into his traps.

In my next write-up, I would explains the areas where the church has lost it, and what they are meant to do to save the world from the bondage of the sin they think they are still in.


May the LORD bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you. May the LORD be gracious to you and lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. AMEN.



Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!


Log on next time.


For prayers and comments, send them to the comment section below.







Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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