Saturday 7 May 2022

It All Changed With a Snap

So, it's a flow, what do I mean by that? Can imagine being in your house, and with a snap of your finger, you're in your office. You flow with it, you're in your office now, not in your house. Or imagine living in a small bungalow, and with a snap of your finger, you're in a huge mansion.

Now, the story of the mansion is that someone owned the mansion before your snap got you there. But the more surprising story is that you found out you are the one, who is the person who owns the mansion. But what you knew is that you lived in a small bungalow, so when did I own the mansion, because the story was that you had owned the mansion and lived in it all the while. Now, I guess you would be confused.

What happened was the person who owned the bungalow and the person who owns the mansion are two entirely different people. And the owner of the small bungalow which you thought was you has passed on, just for you to find out that your snap of the finger changed your entire life history. The history you are know for is that you own a huge mansion. In summary, you have put on a new body.

So, now that you know that you have always lived in mansion, definitely there is a way of life you have, and because of this, you need to know who you really are right now in this new life. The reason for this is because you got to know that the person who lived in the bungalow and the person who live in the mansion live completely different lives. And now that you know this, it is important that you unlearn the life you used to have and learn the life you have right now, since it is now your new nature, and not a fake life.

The more you know who you are now, the more you bring out the nature of your new self you were surprised you had inside of you.

What happened was that snap of the finger didn't just change your location, but it also changed your nature. And the new nature is hidden inside of you. So, the more you get to know who this new you is, the more you find out that, truly you are the man who lived in the mansion.

So, the moment you confessed Jesus as Lord of your life and believed that God raised Him from the dead, there was a snap of the finger that changed your destiny, that changed your life and nature. You ceased being man you knew and appeared to be the man who took over your physical body, and that person is Jesus, (ref.: 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 2:20).

The reason why this is very important is that our old spirit died, and Jesus became our new Spirit. Our soul which carries our mind, will and emotion had the record of the old spirit, but doesn't know much about the new Spirit. And you have obtained the Spirit of Jesus by grace, and all He is, you have become, which is why it is important to know Him through the meditation of the word of God. And the Holy Spirit then interprets the word to you. In other words, He shows you who Jesus is, and how you are now one Spirit with Him, (ref.: 1 Corinthians 6:17).

The business you have is really not yourself, but Jesus, because to know Jesus is to know who you are. The devil would definitely come and bring up things about your old life, but that was your old life, which has passed on, because the life you now live is the very life of Jesus.

You are to fix your eyes on Jesus, who is the one perfects our stand and trust on what He has given to us by grace, (ref.: Hebrews 12:2).

True, we may make mistakes along the way, but as a baby learning how to walk, we pick ourselves up by knowing more of Him, in order to be completely conscious of our new nature, and this is eternal life, (ref.: John 17:3). It's all about knowing Him, and nothing else. The more we know Him, the more we live Him, and walk Him, because we have become Him.

Why not accept Jesus today if you haven’t. Pray out loud, “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Saviour. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank You for saving me!” Congratulations, you’re born again, you are now brand new!


Log on next time.


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Unless otherwise stated, the following scriptures are gotten from New King James Version (NKJV)

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