Saturday 7 November 2015

What You Need To Understand 2

I'm back again! Thank you for being such a lovely audience.
Now, where was I? Oh yes I remember!
JESUS did a very, very good job which we cannot but thank GOD for. Yesterday I talked about how most Christians today haven't gotten the grip as to why they are Christians and the privileges they possess.
Now, JESUS died on the cross for the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE!! (John 3:16). When Adam fell, a different spirit overtook him and this affected us all. Our spirit became a mess before GOD. Now what is sin? Simply put: sin is having a spirit that is different for GOD'S! So it was our spirit that had to be transformed. Our actions follow our spirit. As humans, we didn't have the privilege to approach GOD anymore because we stunk in the nostrils of GOD, so we were always bringing sacrifices to appease HIM, but that wasn't enough. What we needed was a permanent sacrifice to completely cleanse us. That's why 2Corinthians 5:21 says, HE made HIM who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of GOD.  In other words, GOD made JESUS who didn't have any sin in HIM to become sin on our behalf, so that we may become the righteousness of GOD. JESUS did that and we were cleansed permanently.
This is why sin cannot have dominion/control over us because we are not under the LAW but under GRACE.
Now, what is the implication of this, saying we can't be under sin because we're not under the law. Why the word law?

Log on tomorrow and you will get the deep secrets you never knew.

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